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Pathum Thani

Rama9 Museum

Rama9 Museum

Rating: 4/5 (1 votes)

Operating day: Tuesday - Sunday and public holidays Closed on Mondays
Operating time: Tuesday - Friday from 09.30 - 16.00 hrs., Saturday - Sunday and public holidays from 09.30 - 17.00 hrs.
Rama9 Museum Khlong Ha, Khong Luang, Phathum Thani. Is a project in honor of His Majesty the King To show the principles How to work and the process of finding answers According to the scientific process of His Majesty King Rama IX, which has led to solving various problems throughout the kingdom Until becoming a model for foreigners.
Rama9 Museum Is a place to learn about ecosystems Management of water, soil and forest resources to enable humans to live with natural ecosystems sustainably Divided into 3 zones as follows:
1. Our home is the story of the origin of the solar system, the universe and the world until the evolution of life. Is shown as follows.
- Big Bang. An enormous explosion has affected our solar system, the universe, and our planet.
- Shelter simulates the movement of the earth's crust Simulate the rotation of the sun Causing day and night, including the water cycle that causes the circulation of water in the world. And there are also many rare types of stones.
- Life originated from single-celled organisms And resulting in adjustment Until there is a complex pattern And transfer various characteristics via DNA.
- Evolution and Mass Extinction, the evolution zone of primitive animals Before the great extinction.
- Human Odyssey the human evolution zone.
2. Our life show ecological systems all over the world: Antarctica, Arctic, Tundra, Taiga, Desert, Temperate and Tropical.
3. Our King showcases the principles of thinking, methods of work, and the process of finding answers according to the scientific process of King Rama IX. 

Website :

Tel : 025779999

Fax : 025779900

Art, Culture and Heritage Category: Art, Culture and Heritage

Museums Group: Museums

Last Update : 5 YearAgo

Rama9 Museum Map



Art, Culture and Heritage Art, Culture and Heritage

Historical Sites and Monuments Historical Sites and Monuments(2)

Landmarks and Memorials Landmarks and Memorials(1)

Art, Craft Centres, Tradition Art, Craft Centres, Tradition(2)

Museums Museums(11)

Art Gallery Art Gallery(1)

Educational Places Educational Places

Museum for Study Museum for Study(1)

Library Library(1)

Training Center Training Center(1)

University University

Places of Worship Places of Worship

Temple Temple(44)

Mosque Mosque(1)

Other religious and spiritural sites Other religious and spiritural sites(1)

Research and Development Research and Development

Royal Project Royal Project(1)

Suburban Living Suburban Living

Local Market Local Market(2)

Floating Market Floating Market(3)

Nature and Wildlife Nature and Wildlife

River, Canal River, Canal(1)

Entertainment and Agricultural Entertainment and Agricultural

Animal camps and shows Animal camps and shows(1)

Stadium Stadium(2)

Amusement Park Amusement Park(1)

Waterpark Waterpark(1)