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Nakhon Sawan

Wat Koh Hong

Wat Koh Hong

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Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 17.00
Wat Koh Hong Built since 1757 in the late Ayutthaya period, originally known as "Wat Koh", the word "Hong" was added to the Koh Hong temple around the year 1942. Originally, the temple's location Understand that it would look like an island.
Therefore, the temple was named so. Received the royal Wisungkhamsima The last time, on July 31, 1951, Wisung Kham Seema District is 40 meters wide and 80 meters long. In the temple area there is an old viharn which has been abandoned. A mural depicting an angel was discovered. which is under the plaster wall which has fallen The style of painting is a painting made in the late Ayutthaya period - early Rattanakosin period. 

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Places of Worship Category: Places of Worship

Temple Group: Temple

Last Update : 3 YearAgo

Wat Koh Hong Map


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